How Long Can We Store Chicken In Freeze : A Handy Guide

With our hectic schedules, purchasing chicken in quantity and freezing it for later use is normal. A great technique to keep chicken’s quality and shelf life in tact is to freeze it. To maintain the safety and quality of the poultry, it is essential to comprehend the correct procedures for freezing it. We’ll examine the elements that affect chicken’s freezer life in this blog and offer helpful advice for preserving the best quality while keeping it frozen.

Continue reading the article to know more about How Long Can We Store Chicken In Freeze and A Handy Guide

The Freezing Process

The bacterial growth and enzymatic processes that can cause spoiling are successfully stopped by freezing chicken. When chicken is frozen, the water molecules within its cells create ice crystals, maintaining the structure and texture of the meat. Although freezing dramatically increases the shelf life of chicken, it is not a long-term fix.

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Storage Time and Quality

The type of chicken (whole, pieces, or ground), storage temperature, and packaging all have an impact on how long you may safely store chicken in the freezer. The following basic rule applies to the shelf life of several types of chicken in freezers:

1. Whole Chicken: A whole chicken can be stored in the freezer without suffering a noticeable loss in quality for up to a year.

2. Chicken Parts: You may keep chicken parts like breasts, thighs, and wings in the freezer for nine to twelve months.

3. Ground Chicken: Ground chicken should ideally be consumed within 3 to 4 months of freezing because it has a slightly shorter freezer life.

It’s crucial to remember that these deadlines are set in order to maintain the highest calibre. After these dates, frozen chicken is still safe to eat, but its flavour and texture may gradually deteriorate.

Storage and Packaging Advice

How frozen chicken is packaged and stored has a significant impact on how long it is safe to consume and retains its quality. Following are some crucial pointers:

1. Air-tight packing: To avoid freezer burn, which happens when air comes into contact with chicken and results in dry, discoloured, and unappealing meat, use freezer-safe, air-tight packing.

2. Labelling: To keep track of the amount of time food is stored, always mark the packaging with the freezing date.

3. Temperature and Position: To preserve the best conditions for frozen food, set your freezer to 0°F (-18°C) or below. Furthermore, keep chicken away from the freezer door to prevent temperature changes brought on by repeated openings.

4. Prevent Refreezing: It’s imperative to cook chicken right away after it has thawed. Thawed chicken’s quality and safety may suffer if it is refrozen.


Freezer burn and spoilage indicators

Even with appropriate storage, freezer burn can happen to chicken over time. Grayish-brown areas on the surface of the meat are signs of freezer burn, which denotes moisture loss. Although chicken that has been freezer-burned is still safe to eat, it could taste bland and feel chewy.

However, if the chicken exhibits signs of deterioration, such as an odd odour, a slimy texture, or a greenish tint, it should be thrown out right away because it is no longer safe to consume.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Can I freeze chicken that has already been packaged and purchased?

It’s normally advised to move the chicken to airtight freezer bags or containers before freezing, even if some store-bought chicken packaging may be labelled as freezer-safe. The chicken’s freezer life is increased by this additional layer of security, which also helps prevent freezer burn.

2. How can I safely thaw frozen chicken?

The best technique to safely thaw frozen chicken is one of the following:

In the refrigerator, put the frozen chicken on a plate or tray and let it thaw gradually. Depending on the size of the bird, this process may take several hours or perhaps an entire night.

Put the frozen chicken in cold water after sealing it in a leak-proof plastic bag. Until the chicken has defrosted, change the water every 30 minutes.

Microwave: Thaw the chicken using the microwave’s defrost option, but make sure to cook it right away to prevent bacterial growth.

3. Can chicken that has been thawed be refrozen?

It is not advised to refreeze chicken after it has been defrosted. Chicken that has been thawed should be cooked right away rather than being refrozen, which could impair its quality and safety.

4. Is it okay to consume chicken that has been frozen for an extended period of time?

Even while frozen chicken can be consumed after the suggested dates, its flavour and quality may suffer. To get the greatest chicken possible, it’s best to follow the advised freezer life.

5. How can I stop frozen chicken from getting freezer burn?

Make sure the chicken is tightly sealed in airtight, freezer-safe packaging, expelling as much air as you can, to avoid freezer burn. Freezer burn can also be avoided by keeping the chicken away from the freezer door and preserving a constant freezer temperature of 0°F or lower.

6. Can cooked chicken be frozen?

Chicken that has been cooked can be frozen. Store the cooked chicken in sealed containers or freezer bags after allowing it to cool fully. For a period of two to six months, cooked chicken can be stored safely in the freezer.

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7. How should chicken be marinated for freezing?

It’s ideal to marinade chicken in an airtight, freezer-safe container or bag if you intend to freeze it afterward. Make sure the chicken is well covered in the marinade, press out any extra air, and tightly shut the container. This enables the chicken to take up the flavours while being frozen.

8. Can chicken that is about to expire be frozen?

It is not a good idea to freeze chicken that is getting close to going bad. The chicken’s quality can be affected even after it has been thawed because freezing won’t stop the potential deterioration process that may have already started.

9. Can I use the freezer storage times for organic or free-range chicken of all varieties?

Yes, even organic and free-range chicken should be stored in the freezer according to the suggested timeframes. The recommended freezing temperatures are determined by the characteristics of chicken and its capacity to remain safe and of high quality when frozen.

10. How can I arrange my freezer to best accommodate chicken storage?

Label and date every packet of frozen chicken in your freezer for effective organisation. Older packets should be used first, so place the newer ones at the back and older ones up front. You can keep track of what’s available by maintaining an inventory list of your frozen foods.


A great approach to extend the shelf life of chicken while maintaining its quality is to freeze it. You can make sure that your frozen chicken lasts for a long time by adhering to standard storage precautions, such as using air-tight packaging, keeping the freezer temperature steady, and labelling the package. For the best flavour and texture, follow the suggested freezer life for the various types of chicken. Therefore, the next time you buy chicken in quantity, you may do so with assurance knowing that it can be frozen for later culinary treats.


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