The Shelf Life of Aloe Vera Gel: How Long Can It Be Stored?

The many health and skincare advantages of aloe vera gel have helped it become extremely popular throughout time. This gel is made from the succulent aloe vera plant and is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a go-to item for many beauty aficionados and a natural cure for a number of skin conditions. Aloe vera gel, like the majority of natural items, has a finite shelf life. In this blog, we’ll look at what affects aloe vera gel storage and how to keep it fresh longer.

Continue reading the article to know more about The Shelf Life of Aloe Vera Gel and How Long Can It Be Stored?

Factors Affecting the Shelf Life of Aloe Vera Gel

1. Pureness of the Gel: The aloe vera gel’s quality and purity have a big impact on how long it will last. In comparison to commercial gels that contain preservatives to extend their usability, pure, 100% natural aloe vera gel usually has a shorter shelf life.

2. Additives and Preservatives: As previously noted, aloe vera gels sold in stores frequently include additives and preservatives to improve their stability and increase their shelf life. The gel’s storage time may be impacted by these ingredients.

3. Packaging: Aloe vera gel’s packaging is extremely important for maintaining its freshness. The gel lasts longer when it is kept in airtight containers or tubes that shield it from impurities and exposure to air.

4. Storage Conditions: To increase the aloe vera gel’s shelf life, proper storage is essential. Its characteristics may last longer if you keep it out of the sun, extremely hot or cold conditions, and dampness.

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Average Shelf Life:

Pure, natural aloe vera gel typically has a shelf life of 6 to 12 months from the date of extraction or opening, depending on the aforementioned variables. Gels that are sold commercially and contain stabilisers and preservatives can last for two to three years.

Spoilage symptoms: 

Aloe vera gel deterioration is typically visible through a variety of symptoms. Your aloe vera gel may display the following signs if it has gone bad:

1. A Change in Colour: Aloe vera gel that is still fresh is clear or slightly yellow. It is a sign of spoiling if the gel becomes brown or gets any dark stains.

2. Off Smell: Aloe vera gel ought to smell pleasant and fresh. If there is a strong, disagreeable smell, it can be spoiled.

3. Texture Alterations: Contaminated aloe vera gel may take on a lumpy, slimy, or peculiar texture.

4. Visible Mould or Fungal Growth: This indicates that the gel has spoiled and is no longer safe to use.

How to Increase the Shelf Life of Aloe Vera Gel:

1. Keep in a Cool Place: Keep your aloe vera gel out of direct sunlight and in a cool, dry location. Its shelf life can be increased by keeping it in the fridge.

2. Always Use Clean Hands or Utensils: To avoid contamination, always scoop out the gel from the container using clean hands or utensils.

3. Safe Packaging: To protect aloe vera gel from exposure to air and light, choose items in airtight, opaque containers when buying the gel.

4. Prevent Water Contamination: Water can encourage the growth of bacteria in the gel. Especially if the container is open, refrain from adding water to it.

5. Verify the Expiration Date: Verify the expiration date when purchasing commercial aloe vera gel, and try to utilise it before then.

Aloe Vera Gel

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Aloe Vera Gel Storage:

How do I know if my aloe vera gel has gone bad?

 Signs of spoilage include changes in color, such as turning brown or developing dark spots, off odors, unusual texture, and the presence of mold or fungal growth. If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to discard the gel.

Can I use aloe vera gel past its expiration date?

 It is not recommended to use aloe vera gel past its expiration date, especially if it is a commercially produced product with additives and preservatives. Expired gel may have lost its effectiveness and could potentially cause skin irritations.

Can I extend the shelf life of homemade aloe vera gel?

 Homemade aloe vera gel, being free from preservatives, has a shorter shelf life compared to commercial gels. However, you can extend its longevity by storing it properly in an airtight container and refrigerating it.

Can I freeze aloe vera gel to make it last longer? 

Freezing aloe vera gel is not recommended, as it can cause changes in its texture and potentially diminish its beneficial properties. It is best to store it in a cool, dry place or in the refrigerator to prolong its shelf life.

How often should I check my aloe vera gel for spoilage? 

It’s a good practice to check your aloe vera gel for signs of spoilage periodically, especially if you have had it for an extended period. If the gel appears discolored, smells off, or has an odd texture, it’s time to replace it.

Can I use aloe vera gel on my skin if it has gone bad? 

No, you should never use aloe vera gel that has gone bad on your skin. Spoiled gel may contain harmful bacteria or contaminants that can cause skin irritations or infections.

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Is it safe to transfer aloe vera gel to a different container for storage? 

If you need to transfer the aloe vera gel to a different container, make sure it is clean and airtight. Avoid using containers that may have held other products, as they might contaminate the gel.

Can I mix other ingredients with aloe vera gel to extend its shelf life? 

While some ingredients like vitamin E oil or certain essential oils may have preserving properties, it is best to follow proper storage practices and use commercially produced gels with preservatives if you want an extended shelf life.

Can I store fresh aloe vera gel from the plant for later use?

 Freshly extracted aloe vera gel from the plant can be stored for a limited time (around 1 week) in the refrigerator. However, its shelf life is shorter than commercially available gels due to the lack of preservatives.

Can I use aloe vera gel internally after its expiration date?

 Using aloe vera gel internally, such as in juices or smoothies, is not recommended after its expiration date. If you intend to consume aloe vera gel for its health benefits, it’s safer to use products specifically labeled for internal consumption and check their expiration dates.


Aloe vera gel is an excellent natural product with many advantages, but its shelf life is very short. You can extend the usefulness of your aloe vera gel by taking into account the elements affecting its durability and adhering to suitable storage procedures. Whether you use it for skincare or other purposes, keeping it fresh ensures that you may take full advantage of its natural benefits. To avoid any negative effects on your skin or health, always remember to look for signs of deterioration and, when in doubt, replace the gel.


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