Lane Filtering vs Lane Splitting: What Are the Differences?

Do you want to know more about what you can do while on the road as a motorcyclist?

It’s 4:20 a.m. coming up on 4:21 a.m., and you’re too tired to drive further. You’re sitting in a traffic load waiting for the traffic light to change.

You try to squeeze between two lanes of traffic to make up for the lost time. Your heart starts racing, and you think, is this legal Well, it is, and it isn’t. Lane filtering laws vary from state to state.

If you are interested in knowing the differences between lane filtering vs lane splitting and which is best to use on the road, read on to find out.

What is Lane Filtering?

Lane filtering is a technique used by motorcycle riders to move through traffic. The rider looks for gaps in traffic and then maneuvers the motorcycle into the space.

This allows the rider to avoid being stuck in traffic and makes it easier to get around other vehicles.

What is Lane Splitting?

Lane splitting is when the motorcycle rider rides between two lanes of traffic. This can be dangerous because the rider is more exposed to being hit by another vehicle.

The Difference Between Lane Filtering and Lane Splitting

There are two key differences between lane filtering and lane splitting.

First, lane filtering is when a motorcycle moves between two lanes of traffic traveling in the same direction, while lane splitting is when a motorcycle moves between two lanes of traffic traveling in different directions.

Second, lane filtering is generally considered safer than lane splitting, as it allows the motorcycle to maintain a consistent speed and position within the lane, while lane splitting can be more dangerous.

Which Is Better Between Lane Filtering vs Lane Splitting?

Lane filtering is the act of riding a motorcycle between lanes of stopped or slow-moving traffic. Lane splitting is the act of riding a motorcycle between lanes of moving traffic.

Both lane filtering and lane splitting are legal in most states, but there are some important differences between the two.

Lane filtering is generally considered safer than lane splitting because it allows riders to avoid potential hazards in the road, such as debris or potholes. On the other hand, lane splitting can be more dangerous because it puts riders close to moving vehicles.

Some riders prefer lane filtering because it is faster and easier than lane splitting. Others find lane splitting to be more exhilarating, even if it is lane splitting legal.

Ultimately, the best decision is the one that makes the most sense for the rider and the situation.

Stay Safe on the Road With Lane Filtering vs Lane Splitting

Lane filtering vs lane splitting are both methods of saving time while commuting. Lane filtering is when a motorcycle weaves in and out of traffic, while lane splitting is when a motorcycle rides between two lanes of traffic.

While both methods have their benefits, lane filtering is generally considered to be safer. If you enjoyed this article, make sure to check out the rest of our blog
